Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Nursery!

Here are the long awaited pictures of the nursery! Sorry it has taken so long to get these up but we just hung the last picture last night!

Also, this past week at my doctor appointment I had progressed to 1cm dilated and about 75% effaced. They scheduled me to be induced on Jan 29th if I have not had her by then! I am excited to just have a date down that I know she will be here by! So basically I have 2 more weeks of getting stuff done and free time! It will be nice to just relax and try to get some rest.
Please pray for me over the next few weeks!!! :)


Emeri Sorrells said...

I love it all! Especially the polka dot rug!! you did a great job!!

The Wrangler said...

so cute!

Beth and Marshall Saviers said...

I am thinking about you. The nursery is super cute!!